Convert 0.680 L/min to units of microliters per hour. Show the unit analysis by dragging the conversion factors into the unit‑factor slots.

Convert 0680 Lmin to units of microliters per hour Show the unit analysis by dragging the conversion factors into the unitfactor slots class=

Respuesta :

We want to transform the measure: 0.680 L/min to microliters per hour.

We will find that the equivalent measure is 40,800,000 μL/h

To do it, we first need to remember that:

1 L = 1*10^6 μL

1 hour = 60 min

Then we can rewrite these as:

1 = (60min/1 h)

1 = ( 1*10^6 μL/ 1L)

Remember that if we multiply any quantity by one we do not change that quantity, then to change the units we just need to multiply our measure by the above fractions:

M = 0.680 L/min*( 1*10^6 μL/ 1L)*(60min/1 h) = 40,800,000 μL/h

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