Respuesta :

“Education is light brighter than that of sun”. Education not only removes ignorance but also makes a person conscious, skilled and productive. Now education has become basic need of everyone. For development education is considered and the first and foremost factor. Also development can’t be sustainable without women’s active participation. That’s why donors and philanthropists also offer benevolent (charitable) service in field of women education, mostly in backward community.

Women education is education for girls. The world consists of men and women where both of them have got inborn right to be educated. It has proven that development is only possible when women are educated.

Despite many efforts, the level of women education is still poor in developing countries. Literacy for female is lower than that of male. It is simply because females get lesser opportunities to male. Though they go to school and college, they can’t perform well because they are treated as drudges (boring and tiring work). For similar reasons dropout and failure rate are often high among female. Poor education for women is main cause of social backwardness and unsustainable development.

It is rightly said that to educate a women is to educate the family. Research in many countries shows that if mother is well educated then the children will be healthier and better-fed; they will perform better at school and will be sent to school regularly to higher level. Household also may get better standard as mother may work in local or cottage enterprise, which they spent on good for whole family. Hence, women education contributes in smooth running of family. Educated women have proved to be no less than men in all fields. The best example can be Malala Yusuf Jai. Women are competent to men in every field. A family is prosperous where both husband and wife are educated. Women education also contributes to population control. If women are job holder then they don’t get much time to bear children and to take care of them and hence, start using contraceptives. It is true statement that a home is the first school of every child and the mother is the first teacher. She must know how to nurse and take care of the child. The mother teaches her child what to do and what not to do. Only a well-educated mother can give a good environment to her child for well growth and for better education. So education must be utilized as best method of women empowerment and sustainable development.
Women have proved that they can do the entire task as men can do if they are provided with education and chances. So providing education to every woman is today’s priority. Parents should know the value of daughter’s education and should be encouraged to invest money for education rather than dowry. When women are educated and skilled then they can compete to men in the entire field. The discrimination on sex will end and population growth rate can be controlled, only when women is educated. That’s why it’s the time to make every possible effort by individual, community and government to contribute expansion and promotion of women education.