Identify which colonies each characteristics describes: New England, the Chesapeake, and the Lowcountry. Check all that apply. -Difficult for slaves to create settled communities
-Slaves ran own gardens and farms
-Regional economy centered cash crops

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The New England colonies: The New England Colonies were flat along the rocky coastlines, which made good harbours. It became hilly and mountainous further inland. The land was covered in dense forests. The soil was rocky, which made farming difficult.

Chesapeake: Both the Chesapeake and southern colonies had rich soil and temperate climates which made large-scale plantation farming possible. Both regions had an agriculture-based economy in which cash crops like tobacco, indigo, and cotton were cultivated for trade.

Lowcountry: From the seventeenth to the ninteenth century, Charleston and the surrounding Carolina Low country region epitomized a slave society.Cash crops produced through enslaved labor, particularly Carolina Gold Rice, made Lowcountry planters some of the wealthiest and most influential individuals in North America.