1. Describe the day on which the lottery takes place.
How does the description of this day contrast
with the events that take place later on? Cite
textual evidence from the selection to support
your answer.

Respuesta :

The day on which the lottery takes place is the 27th of June. It is sunny, warm, and beautiful. Flowers are in bloom, the grass's green looks vivid - it's a cozy summer day.

The description above contrasts with the events because, on June 27th, the lottery takes place. One of the villagers is selected and killed - stoned to death.

The description of such a beautiful, peaceful day would never lead readers to imagine that a whole village will choose one their people to die.

  • This question refers to the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.
  • In the story, the villagers of a rural town choose someone to be killed in a traditional ritual to ensure a good harvest.
  • That piece of information is not immediately revealed. Quite the contrary, the author conceals the tragic ending of the story by starting it with a vivid description of a beautiful summer day.
  • Take a look at the excerpt:

"The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green."

  • Therefore, we can conclude that the description of the day and the events that take place contrast each other.

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