
In the economic world, matter and energy are transformed for the purpose of creating utility (an enjoyment of life as understood and defined by humans) which is different from the biocentric perspective of the natural world where matter and energy are continually transformed for the purpose of sustaining life. Can these two perspectives be reconciled?

Respuesta :

Both in Biology and Economy utility refers to the ability to perform functions, which largely depend on the input of energy. In consequence, both perspectives can be reconciled from a profitable point of view.

From a biological point of view, energy and matter are fundamental inputs that flow within biological systems in order to perform metabolic functions (e.g., growth, differentiation, reproduction, etc).

During biological processes, energy is converted into matter, which in turn serves as food for the organisms at higher trophic levels.

Moreover, in Economy, matter and energy are also fundamental inputs required for economic growth and social development.

In Economy, the energy is converted into matter during the construction of buildings and the development of infrastructure (technical as well as social) in a similar way that occurs with living systems.

Both in Biology and Economy, efficiency reduces the input of matter and energy required for development and growth, which can be translated in Economy as the ability to deliver services (e.g., mobility, heating, lighting, cooling, etc).

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