Answer the questions below to analyze William Blake’s poem “The Chimney Sweeper.”

Part F
The poem was written in 1867. How does that fact affect the meaning? How would you compare your childhood to that of the chimney sweepers?

Respuesta :

Answer:George Norton shows how William Blake's Chimney Sweeper poems highlight the injustice and brutality suffered by child



During the 1800s, employing young children who were 5 to 10 years old as chimney sweepers was a common practice in England. Life was miserable for these children, who worked in inhuman conditions and died early.

The chimney sweepers were unlucky to be born into poor families. Their parents sold them for money, and the children led miserable lives. Compared to them, kids today have much better lives. This poem leads modern readers to value their parents’ love and concern for their children.


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