It is possible to make a model of a fission chain reaction with mousetraps and table tennis balls, with the balls placed on an armed trap. Which statement best explains why this is a good model?

It is possible to make a model of a fission chain reaction with mousetraps and table tennis balls with the balls placed on an armed trap Which statement best ex class=

Respuesta :


The table tennis balls represent neutrons that are released when the nucleus splits and cause other nuclei to split


Nuclear fission is defined as the separation of a nucleus into two smaller nuclei.

It takes a neutron to set off a nuclear fission reaction. When that occurs, neutrons are released and those neutrons in turn are what set off other nuclear fissions. This is defined as a Nuclear Fission Chain Reaction. In the model, the one tennis ball that will be thrown will  be modeled as the starting neutron that sets of the initial (first) fission. The mouse traps with tennis balls represent the other nucleuses waiting to be struck by the one tennis ball. Once the initial tennis ball strikes the first mouse trap, that mouse trap will release its tennis ball hitting others and continuing the cycle.

It can also be modeled as such:

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The table tennis balls represent neutrons that are released when the nucleus splits and cause other nuclei to split.

Explanation: I just did it