Respuesta :

Here are the basics of C++...

Number 1. Printing text onto the screen:
std::cout << "Your text here\n"; 
The \n creates a new line.

Number 2. Initializing variables and setting variables
There are a few different types of variables in C++...
Integers, floats, chars, and strings.
To let C++ know what type of variable you are about to create, you put the type before the variable name.

Here are some examples:
int number = 10;
float r = 2.45;
char[4] = "Code";
string name = "Bob";

Number 3. Comments

In programming comments are very useful. They help other programmers understand your code.

To make a single line comment in C++ you do this:

// your comment

To make a multi-line comment in C++ you do this:

My multi-line comment here

Number 4. Math

In C++ you have math operators. These operators are + - * / %
I'm pretty sure you are familiar with the first four operators. But you may not know the last one. Don't worry... I'll explain that one to you.


std::cout << 35 + 23 // this will print out 58


std::cout << 102 - 56; // this will come out as 46


std::cout << 34 * 9; // product will be 306


std::cout << 164 / 4; // quotient will be 41


Now we get to the operator you may or may not know. The modulus.
The modulus operator gets the remainder of division of a by b.

std::cout << 10 % 4; // it will print out 2

You can even store math operations in variables...

int answer = 40 + 38;
std::cout << answer; // this will print out 78

You can even add variables...

int x = 28;
int y = 58;
int answer = 86;
std::cout << answer;
std::cout << x + y;

Number 5. Comparison Operators.

Comparison operators compare two values to see if its true or false...
These are mainly used in if statements...

Here are the comparison operators:

== Equal
!= Not equal
> Greater than
< Less than
<= Less or equal
>= Greater or equal

Number 6. If Statements

This is the structure of an if statement:

// execute code if true
} else if(...){
// execute this block of code if first if statement was false
}else {
// execute this block of code if false

if(2 > 1) {
std::cout << "2 is greater than 1";

The code above will indeed execute. Because two is greater than 1.

Number 7. Functions

If you have a block of code that will be repeated multiple times through out your program, functions will be handy.

To make a function you must specify the type of the function. This called the return type.
Which are int (integers), floats (decimals), and string (strings).
There are more, but I decided to focus on those three.

Then you give your function a name. 

int my_function(){
// your code

To call a function, you simply type the name of the function with parentheses.


To make a function with parameters, do same thing above, except in the parentheses you give your parameters.

int my_function(int x, int y){
// your code

As you can see, you separate the parameters with a comma.

in my_function(int x, int y){
int z = x + y;
std::cout << z; // this will print out the sum of x and y

To call your function with parameters, type your function name with parentheses and in the parentheses type your values.

my_function(3, 4); // this will print out 7

Also, another type of function is the void type. In int type functions, at the end of your code in the function, you should type return 0.
This allows C++ know that code wen't without any errors...

In void type function this isn't really necessary...

If you have anymore questions or you found something to be confusing or you want to learn more C++, please write me a message.