can somebody please wirte an argumentative essay on "teachers are better than farmers"? I will give brainliest​

Respuesta :


Farmers produce food.

Teachers produce everything.

I believe teachers and farmers are very similar. A lecturer of mine at Cedara College once said that teachers are like farmers because a child starts off as a simple seed. Parents need to meet your basic needs in order for you to grow. They must water you, protect you from pests, weed the bad characteristics out of you and most importantly ensure that the ground you are planted in is suitable for you and ensures your growth.

If Your parents do a good job, you will sprout into a lovely seedling, then your teachers come in and help you grow into a tree. They are the ones who put in the extra work yo ensure you bear fruit by the end of your academic journey. Some students will bear amazing fruit, others lovely flowers, and some will grow into lush bushes. Others will wither and die or take longer to grow.

But Is this not as rewarding as planting an actual seed in the field and watching it grow? Not all seeds will germinate, and not all will bear the sweetest fruit, but one thing farmers and teachers have in common is something they both saw in that seed; potential.

Farmers grow food, teachers don’t.

Farmers grow livestock, teachers don’t.

Farmers burn up all their excess energy constructively, teachers probably don’t (they might go to the gym and literally waste said energy).

Farmers might know more about life cycles and development stages of plants better than some teachers, especially those that don’t teach biology.

