The table shows how an elevator 500 feet above the ground is descending at a steady rate.

A two column table with 5 rows. The first column, time in seconds (t), has the entries, 0, 5, 10, 15. The second column, Height in feet h(t), has the entries, 500, 475, 450, 425.
Which equation represents the height, h(t), of the elevator in feet, as a function of t, the number of seconds during which it has been descending?

h(t) = 5t + 500
h(t) = 5t – 500
h(t) = –5t + 500
h(t) = –5t – 500

Respuesta :


h(t) = -5t + 500

Step-by-step explanation:

At time zero, the elevator is at 500 ft.

At time 5 seconds, the elevator is at 475 ft.

The difference in height is -25 ft.

The elevator traveled -25 ft (25 ft down) in 5 seconds, so it travels at a speed of 5 ft per second. Since it is traveling down, its speed is -5 ft/sec.

For each second of travel, it loses 5 ft of height.

h(t) = -5t + 500

Answer: its c

Step-by-step explanation:

edge 2022