Out of the eleven major earthquakes, how many occurred in the US? Of the eleven major earthquakes that occurred in the last century, how many occurred in the United States?
a. 5
c. 1

Respuesta :

The correct answer doesn’t seem to be placed in the choices above but the correct answer is two. It is because base on the researchers that studied the major earthquakes, it has been found out that out of eleven major earthquakes that occurred in the last century, the United States had two.

The correct answer is - c. 1.

Out of the top 10 strongest earthquakes in the last century only one has been on the territory of the USA. It was in fact the second strongest earthquake in the last century with a magnitude of 9.2 according to the Richter scale. This earthquake appeared in 1964 in Alaska, more specifically it struck the Prince William Sound area and it also created a large tsunami. Luckily, Alaska has small population which is not concentrated in big places so there was only 123 deaths caused by the earthquake which can be considered as lucky taking in consideration its strength.