I'm starting a fantasy novel for school. It includes elves, orcs, druids, dragons, faeries, etc. There is a complex hierarchy. The kingdom, Avleiadon (Av-laya-don), is ruled by a false king, Jhaeros (Jay-ros). An unforgiving powerful orc who uses Sun Elf magick to keep himself young. The main character Aerendyl (Air-in-del) finds Axilia (Ax-il-ia) the last Moon Elf and of true Royal Blood. Aerendyl, Axilia, and 8 other characters begin to travel to Keleisha (Kay-lee-sha) to overthrow Jhaeros. They meet vikings, wendigos, a Druid named Beleg (bay-leg), faeries, and many more magickal creatures.
Would you read this? One day maybe I'll try to publish it..
Please be honest!
Thank you so much! <3