i chose "Every Cat Should Own a Man" for an informal essay i have to write.
here is what i have so far. I need about 100-150 more words. any ideas what else to add?

"Every cat should always have a properly trained human of his own around. There is nothing like a well-behaved person around the house to bring him his supper or to take on a nice walk at night. If it has been properly trained, a human can be a cat's tolerated companion.

The secret of a success in handling a human is patience. Some humans do not listen well, but a tolerant cat who makes allowances and tries to put himself in the man's place will be rewarded with a loyal human.
The secret to a cat’s success is to pick out the right human. A cat should choose wiely when making his choice, since it would be mighty hard to rehome the human and have to find and train a new one.
Although, not every cat who tries to train a human is successful. The answer lies in understanding. A cat must be patient, and not get too upset should his human learn bad habits. After all, "It's hard to teach an old human new tricks.""

Respuesta :

Remember to include positive effects on having a cat aswell as negative effects. A positive effect could be, having a friend like a cat can boost mood. (Make sure you research and find eveidence where this can be supported, just look up on google how cats help with depression or something like that).
 A negative effect a cat can have would be they are moody sometimes and can scratch you. They aren't as loving as dogs and sometimes you seem like a servant. Always remember to have a opposite opinion paragraph when writing an essay.