(Please do not plagiarise from another source, use your own words)

Write a short essay supporting your opinion about whether the war—and the United States' eventual participation in it—was inevitable.

Part A – Write an introduction.
First, write an introductory paragraph stating your thesis. Be sure to use information you learned in the unit and the Chamberlain and Roosevelt speeches to support your thinking.

Part B – Write a paragraph to support your thesis.
Now write a second paragraph to support your thesis. Give specific examples from information in the unit and the primary sources, and explain how they relate to your thesis statement.

Part C – Complete your essay.
Complete your essay with a paragraph to summarize your opinion and argument for it. Restate your thesis statement and give a short overview of the main points you presented.

Connect and Reflect
Consider what would have happened if the United States did not adopt a policy of isolationism after World War II. Suppose the US decided that spreading democracy should have been the country's goal. What might have happened? Write a few sentences to express your thoughts.

Respuesta :


heres what i put for part a, b, c and d:

Part A:

Throughout the first 2 years of World War II, the United States of America remained neutral to prevent conflict with foreign nations. Most of the presidents in office during and before the war were opposed to the US entering the war, yet they still ended up participating in it. No matter what was done to prevent it, it was inevitable for America to enter and contribute to World War II due to growing tensions, patriotism, and support for democracy.

Part B:

The main reasons both citizens and presidents wanted to refrain from getting involved with the second World War was because they wanted to prevent more American loss after the first war, and because they wanted to stay out of foreign affairs to minimize further conflict. The US wanted to maintain isolationism after World War I to keep the American people safe. However, a few things came up that changed people's minds. The first being growing tensions with Japan. The US restricted trade with the Japanese and seized all of their assets in American banks after they occupied French Indochina. These events led to Japan striking Pearl Harbor. Another thing worth mentioning is how Germany offered to give American soil to Mexicans if they helped them win the war. Patriotism was growing in US citizens, and they despised the thought of their country being used as trade to win a war they were not yet involved in. They began feeling defensive of their homeland after Germany insinuated that they were going to conquer the United States. This made Americans want to fight in the war to preserve their country. Notably, there was also a growing support for expanding democracy across the world. As many presidents mentioned at the time, the war became a fight for democracy. They believed that the Axis powers were destroying democracy and not giving people a chance to govern themselves. This caused America to be more apt to the idea of entering the war. Some may argue that without the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States would've never entered the war; however, Americans were already strongly supporting the war effort before Pearl Harbor occurred. Even if the Japanese never attacked the US, Germany would have. In a letter found by decoders, they explained that eventually, they were planning to invade America and give some of the land to Mexico. Once Germany began their strikes on the United States, they would have fully entered the war. Furthermore, people were fearing that the Axis powers were going to rid the world of democracy. They were proud of their country and wanted people to feel the same way about their own country, but the Axis were taking that freedom away; as a result, people wanted to help preserve hope for others. Even if the United States was never hit by Japan, they still would've entered the war to help the Allied powers win the war.

Part C:

Overall, the United States of America entering World War II was inevitable. No matter if they were attacked or left out by the Axis powers, they would have helped with the war. They were already walking a thin line when they passed a Neutrality Act that would allow them to trade important--not to mention war related--goods with the Allied powers and not the Axis. They were bound to help with the war effort sooner or later because of the tensions between Americans and countries such as Japan and Germany, a strong belief in their country and land, and their ideal of spreading democracy to give other countries hope for freedom.

Connect and Reflect:

If the United States did not adopt a policy of isolationism after World War II, they probably would have gone to war with the Soviet Union later on in the Cold War. That war was not a physical war, but it almost was and could've been if America hadn't gone back to a state of isolationism. If the US decided against spreading democracy, the world could be owned by the Axis powers today, causing most countries on the Earth to be run in unfair ways against the will of the people. Most likely, the US would also have a problem with overpopulation due to the overflow of people coming in and wanting to escape their countries' governments and have a chance at a happy life in a country where they are free.


i'd prolly paraphrase it since this is exactly what i put btw <33

i hope this helps :))

Part A

The United States of America tried their best to remain neutral during the World War II but as the war raged on, it was increasingly difficult to stay neutral and eventually, they were forced to pick a side and join the war.

Part B

The major reasons why the United States were compelled to join the war was due to several reasons such as:

  • The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese navy
  • The German promise of American land to Mexico
  • The rising feelings of patriotism among Americans

Part C

It was very difficult for America to completely remain neutral in the war, whether they were attacked by the Japanese or not as they were increasingly facing conflicts and threats by those nations and their allies and finally they joined the Allied Forces so that they could help promote democracy and inspire feelings of freedom among other nations.

Connect and Reflect

The stance of Isolationism which was adopted by the United States of America was one of their saving grace as they avoided a physical war with the Soviet Union during the Cold War because of their isolationist stance.

Read more about World War II here:
