Your love is like a firework, from the outside it doesnt look like much, but when it goes off it lights up the night sky. Full of beautiful colors, just waiting to be ignited. And the sound, somehow it surprises me everytime. But it's hot to touch... It's great to look at and fantasize about but what happens when I touch it? Do I get burned? Or will I be okay? It's hard to tell... But even if I get burned it's still worth it to feel the heat, just to feel the warmth of those beautiful colors that are inside. Then again I'm Jack Frost, every where I go turns cold. I'm cold to the touch no wonder why I can't find love. What happens when I touch you will I freeze those beautiful colors you hold inside? Before they even go off? I don't want that, I don't want your love and your beautiful colors to be frozen. So what do I do? Your love is different then everyone else's, but I can't have it. I'm too cold. Do I want to take the chance? But what happens when you turn to stone? Cause like I said before, to the touch I'm cold. But maybe... Just maybe you're warm enough to thaw me out? Maybe your love is what I need to unfreeze my heart. Then I'll no longer be Jack Frost, my heart will be froze no more. But what happens when it back fires and you become frozen instead. I can't let that happen. So I must keep my distance. But that warmth... I just wanna surround myself with it... But I can't. It's too risky. You might freeze, and I might get burned. Or we are exactly what you said? Right. Everything has a match. A perfect pair. I'm cold and you're hot. We are a perfect match. But we must be careful because both are dangerous elements. Every year people die from the frost bitten winter. Could that be my fault? Could I be so cold I'm the cause of all of these deaths? See you're hot and I'm cold, and we'll be fine as long as we even each other out. But what happens when that fire gets too warm? Or when the frost gets too cold. I guess we won't know will we...​