Paragraph 13 of the story states that Gortsby uttered “an exclamation of concern.” Explain why Gortsby was concerned. Quote at least one sentence from paragraph 14 to support your explanation.

13: With that reflection Gortsby rose to go; as he did so an exclamation of concern escaped him. Lying on the ground by the side of the bench was a small oval packet . . . It could be nothing else but a cake of soap, and it had evidently fallen out of the youth’s overcoat pocket when he flung himself down on the seat. In another moment Gortsby was scudding along the dusk-shrouded path in anxious quest for a youthful figure in a light overcoat. He had nearly given up the search when he caught sight of the object of his pursuit standing irresolutely on the border of the carriage drive, evidently uncertain whether to strike across the Park or make for the bustling pavements of Knightsbridge. He turned round sharply with an air of defensive hostility when he found Gortsby hailing him.

14: “The important witness to the genuineness of your story has turned up,” said Gortsby, holding out the cake of soap . . .“If the loan of a sovereign is any good to you—”

15: The young man hastily removed all doubt on the subject by pocketing the coin.