Describe in a short paragraph the reasons why the decolonization of more than 75 nations resulted in problems that could leave them open to Communist influence.

Respuesta :

In these nations the colonial empire did not leave the infrastructure necessary to prosper. The major piece of infrastructure was government. This led to wars and power struggles. The governments that eventually arose were often corrupt and favored a ruling elite who left the masses to starve. Communism is a workers movement which aims to promote equality and topple corrupt, elitist regimes. Therefore the starving people of these countries would find communism favorable to their current conditions.

The economic philosophy which the majority of governments in the world adopt is liberalism. Liberalism supports free, unregulated markets and the avoidance of the intervention by the government in an industry that operates within that country. One of the consequences of Liberalism is that it has increased the gap between the rich and the poor. This is because the model favors individuals that already hold an important amount of resources and brings important limitations to the development of less favored populations. As a result of this, these populations tend to assemble and rise in protest against the current government and its policies.