Respuesta :


non-plagiarism paragraph "you should still change some bit of the paragraph and use WordCounter to check plagiarism.


The people asked Moses to go pray to God for the removal of the serpents from the people camp. God told Moses to have a brass serpent made and placed on a pole and set up in the middle of the people camp. He also told Moses to tell the people that anyone who got a bit was to look towards the middle of the camp and look upon this brass serpent. Anyone who did this would live.

(its plagiarism because I posted it and it still counts even know its a answer help website teachers are stupid but yeah change a little bit of this and make sure it 0% plagiarism)       :)


Please give credit or change it up a bit


The brass serpent was different than Jesus because he didn't sacrifice anything to save us, all he had to do was sit there. Jesus died on the cross so that our sins would be saved.