7. Which of the following did Spanish colonies have that French, British, and Portuguese colonies did not?
(1 point)

Christian missionaries
the encomienda system
fur trade
slave trade

8. How did the English colonies differ from Spanish and French colonies? (1 point)

They had royal governors appointed by their rulers.
They regulated their own trading activities.
They elected their own representative assemblies.
They had their own delegates at the home nation.
9. New France might have grown larger if which of the following occurred? (1 point)

if they settled in a more moderate climate
if they settled along a more hospitable coastline
if they settled closer to more rivers
if they settled near a northwest passage

10. How did England’s political traditions affect the types of government established in England’sAmerican colonies?

English colonies were direct democracies with rights and freedoms.
English colonial governments prohibited discrimination based on race or religion.
English colonists had some limited representative self­-government.
English colonists elected members of Parliament.

Respuesta :

  • Which of the following did Spanish colonies have that French, British, and Portuguese colonies did not?

The encomienda system.

The encomienda system was a Spanish form of "communal slavery". It assigned "labor" in form of groups of indigenous people to conquerors of the colonies.

  • How did the English colonies differ from Spanish and French colonies?

They elected their own representative assemblies.

Unlike Spanish and French colonies, English coloners were not mainly focused on the economic exploitation of the colonies but were rather looking for freedom and new land to settle in. Their desire for independence from the UK permeated in the way they functioned and organized; so cities and counties elected the members of their own representative assemblies.

  • New France might have grown larger if which of the following occurred?

If they settled in a more moderate climate

New France was situated in a portion of North America that faced major cold climate conditions, for settlers to survive, they required the help of indigenous people in the zone. It was also very hard for the government to convince people to move and settle to this portion of the continent, even offering incentives like free passages, wages, and room to people willing to do so.

  • How did England’s political traditions affect the types of government established in England’s American colonies?

English colonists had some limited representative self­-government.

Even though each colony had elected its own government the British crown was still in many ways controlling these representatives. This produced the anger of many and ignite the desire to have their own laws and to govern their own land.

Answer: pick with one your gut tells you,look back on info
