Rosa is a 27-year-old Latina studying at Cal State Dominguez Hills, who is from San Antonio, Texas. She has fallen in love with Andre, a 24-year-old African American who lives in South L.A. and goes to CSU Los Angeles. The two met at a rally against college tuition hikes about 2 years ago, and began dating. They have similar long-term goals and visions for their future, and are ready to be married. However, both Rosa’s and Andre’s families are dead set against the marriage, and each family is threatening their family member in order to persuade them not to marry each other. One of the families is even resorting to physical threats.

Respuesta :

Rosa and Andre can be discriminated against by each other's families because of their cultural background and race.

Discrimination is a concept that refers to the behavior and treatment of a person towards others. When one person discriminates against another or a group, she generally does so motivated by

  • His/her race
  • His/her religion
  • His/her physical appearance
  • His/her political tendencies
  • His/her sex
  • His/her age
  • His/her mental condition
  • His/her sexual orientation

According to the above, it can be inferred that Andre's family can discriminate against Rosa for being Latina (Race or cultural origin) and Rosa's family can discriminate against Andre for being African American (her race).

Note: This question is incomplete because the question is missing. Here is the question:

  • In what ways do you think Rosa and Andre might be discriminated against by the other's family, or by their own?

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