If n is a positive integer, how many integers from 0 through 2n must you pick in order to be sure of getting at least one that is odd

Respuesta :

We will find that you must randomly pick n + 2 numbers to be sure of getting at least one that is odd.

So n is a positive integer, then the possible values of n are:

{1, 2, 3, 4, ...}

Let's take n = 1

Now, how many integers from 0 through 2n = 2*1 = 2 must you pick (randomly) in order to be sure of getting at least one that is odd?

So from 0 to 2 there are 3 numbers:

0, 1, 2

If you pick these randomly, the only way to be sure of getting an odd number is if you pick all 3 numbers.

If n = 2 we have that from 0 to 2*n there are:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4

5 options.

3 of which are even, then if you want to pick at least one odd number for sure, you must pick 4 numbers

if  n = 3, from 0 to 2*n we have:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

4 of these are even, so to be sure of getting an odd number, you must pick 5 of these numbers.

Notice that the number of even numbers is always n + 1, so for a random integer n, from 0 to 2n we will have n + 1 even numbers, so if we want to be sure of randomly selecting an odd number we need to pick n + 2 numbers.

If you want to learn more about random selections, you can read:
