Complete the sentence
1. The house would have been completely demolished.
2. The swimming would have been more enjoyable if.
3. We would not have been late if.
4. The business would have prospered if.
5. We would have won our freedom sooner if.

1. If Luisa had eaten less,
2. If Joanne had watered the plants,
3. If Shiela had gone home early,
4. If cooler heads had not intervened,
5. If conditions had not been​

Respuesta :


1: The house would have been completely demolished if the owner had not filed a petition.

2: The swimming would have been more enjoyable if it had not rain.

3: We would not have been late if we had woken up early.

4: The business would have prospered if we had better management.

5:We would have won our freedom sooner if everyone in the group had participated bravely.

1: If Luisa had eaten less,she wouldnot have felt bloated

2:If Joanne had watered the plants,the plants would have grown.

3.If Shiela had gone home early,her mother would not have scoldedher.

4.If cooler heads had not intervened,the fight would have worsen.

5.If conditions had not been different,the situation would have beeneasier.

I hope this help u