Choose one of the three comic book characters you read about.
Write 4 complete sentences.
State his name in a complete sentence in French.
Answer three of the questions below in French:
Where is he from?
What is his profession?
Does he have any friends?
What does he like to do?
Who doesn’t he like?
Submit your voice recording.
Submit your written sentences.

Respuesta :


Salut !

Il s'appelle Astérix.

C'est un guerrier gaulois.

Son ami s'appelle Obélix.

Astérix aime faire de bons repas.

Il n'aime pas la méchanceté.

In this question, we chose one of the three comic book characters we read about and we write complete sentences.

Comic book characters

Il s'appelle Peter Park, il vient des États-Unis, travaille comme photographe, a beaucoup d'amis, aime le maire Jane.

To learn French it takes practice, and this is great practice.

Pour apprendre le français, il faut de la pratique, et c'est une excellente pratique.

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