IF U PUT A WRONG ANSWER JUST FOR POINTS U WILL BE REPORTEDRead the two texts, and then respond to the following writing prompts
Scientists continually study water patterns, including the effects of acid rain, and how hurricanes form over oceans near the equator. Write a four to five paragraph informative essay in which you explain how studying water patterns helps scientists improve life for humans. Use evidence from both texts in your response.
How Hurricanes Forms

Hurricanes are the largest and most violent storms on Earth. They are large rotating storms with high speeds that form over warm waters. These storms are known as hurricanes in North America and the Caribbean. However, they have different names in other regions. In South East Asia, they are called typhoons. In the Indian Ocean, they are known as cyclones. Hurricane winds move at the speed of at least 74 miles per hour. They can be as wide as 300 miles. But, how are these huge storms formed?

a world map showing that hurricanes occur north of the equator in the Atlantic Ocean, cyclones occur north and south of the equator in the Indian Ocean, and typhoons occur north of the equator in South East asia

Hurricanes are often compared to engines. Just like engines they need a type of fuel. Hurricanes form over warm ocean waters near the equator. For hurricanes, their fuel is warm, moist air. When hurricanes form, the warm, moist air above the ocean rises upward from close to the surface of the water. Because the warm air rises, it results in less air under the surface of the water. This area with less air is known as an area with low pressure.

Air from areas surrounding this low pressure space pushes in to the area. This fills the low pressure area. The new air in this space becomes warm and moist and also rises. As the air continues to rise, the air surrounding the space swirls in to take its place. This process of air swirling in to replace air that has risen continues. Eventually, the moisture in the air forms clouds.

The wind and the clouds that form create a system. A system is a pattern of weather. The system of clouds and winds continues to spin and grow. The water evaporating from the ocean's warm surface acts as the fuel, which is what helps this spinning and growing. The system rotates faster and faster until the eye of the storm forms in the center area. Ironically, the eye of the storm is the calmest part and it has very low air pressure. The higher pressure above the hurricane continually flows down into the eye.

a view of a hurricane from space with the eye of the hurricane visible in the center of the hurricane

Outside of the eye of the hurricane, is the eye wall. This is where the most dangerous winds are found. Further outside that are the rain bands. The rain bands are a group of thick clouds. These clouds create the unique look of the hurricane. Hurricanes start out as tropical storms. They are known as hurricanes once their winds reach 74 miles per hour. The speed of the wind determines the category. Category 1 hurricanes have wind speeds of 74-96 miles per hours. Category 5 hurricanes move at 157 miles per hour or higher.

Once hurricanes hit land, their speed lowers. This is because they are no longer being given energy, or fuel, from the warm ocean waters. As hurricanes move inland, they bring heavy rains and cause wind damage. The amount of rain and wind damage depends on the size and speed of the hurricane. Hurricanes can reach over 300 miles in width.

Respuesta :

To write this essay start with an introduction, include paragraphs with evidence, and finish your text with a conclusion.

What is an essay?

An essay is an argumentative text that has the purpose of showing the position of the writer about an issue is supported.

How to write an essay?

Here are the steps you can follow to write this essay:

  • Start with an introduction: In this introduction, you need to include the context of the issue and the thesis statement. A possible thesis statement is "Studying water patterns benefit humanity in multiple ways".

  • Write the body paragraphs: Each of these paragraphs should show one way in which studying water patterns is positive for humanity. Some ideas for this essay are:
  • Studying water patterns prevents disaster and human losses.
  • Studying water patterns helps scientists understand climate change and other environmental issues.
  • Studying water patterns is important to identify possible alterations.

  • Conclude your essay: Finally, write a conclusion paragraph that summarizes the body paragraphs and re-states the thesis.

Learn more about essays in: https://brainly.com/question/1556386