Which excerpt from "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" would provide strong evidence that Greg feels upset and resentful
at the beginning of the story?
O The dark sky, filled with angry, swirling clouds, reflected Greg Ridley's mood as he sat on the stoop of his building.
His father's voice came to him again, first reading the letter the principal had sent to the house, then lecturing
endlessly about his poor efforts in math.
O Report cards were due in a week, and Greg had been hoping for the best. But the principal had ended the suspense
early when she sent the letter saying Greg would probably fail math if he didn't spend more time studying.
O There was a room a few feet from the door, and from where he stood in the entrance, Greg could see a squarish
patch of light on the floor. He entered the room, frowning at the musty smell
. It was a large room that might have beer
someone's parlor at one time.
O From this spot he could see the blinking neon sign over the bodega on the corner. He sat a while, watching the sign
blink first green then red, allowing his mind to drift to the Scorpions, then to his father.