
please help its a grade #30pts
What material from the Earth is Britain fortunate to have near the surface?

Which produces more energy? Wood or coal? wood

In Britain, the mines were near the ______ so they could be more easily and inexpensively transported.

The first steam engine was used to pump __water______ out of coal mines.

Who created a new design for the steam engine that was more efficient? (this is the name you need to know for this unit) Thomas Newcomen

Soho can be described as the first __________.

What could steam engines help Birmingham’s entrepreneurs produce (give 3 examples)?

What historical event allowed for a liberal economic and political climate in Britain?

Britain’s parliamentary monarchy (or constitutional monarchy) helped ensure political __________ which encouraged scientific breakthroughs.

In contrast, what political system did France have in the mid-1700s because of Louis XIV?

What impeded the free exchange of ideas in France making it difficult for them to industrialize?

Whereas France and Spain concentrated on building huge armies to seize land, Britain focused on building up the _______ to protect and encourage trade.

After the Seven Years War, British asserted their dominance on the sea and benefited from trade with what places (name at least 2)?

In the West Indies (the islands in the Caribbean Sea), slaves were mainly working on plantations producing what?

With all this new wealth, lifestyles improved and for the first time, people had ______ money to spend.

What did the British consume from China?

Josiah Wedgewood appreciated that the middle class needed to be persuaded to buy his china/ceramics/pottery. He can be seen as a father of __________________.

Who did Wedgewood make a tea set for that increased its desirability among the middle and upper classes?

From 1706 to 1776, what expanded greatly to increase the movement of ideas and goods?

What was the next great advance in transport technology?

What would be the next great advance in transportation?

To summarize: the narrator explains that the Industrial Revolution started in Britain because the economic conditions were right to ensure industrialization’s sustained success. What were these conditions?

1) Geological good fortune (coal near the surface and being an island)

2) Ascendancy of political liberalism and enlightened thinking (a government that did not stifle innovation but aided it and people who were willing to improve upon old ways of doing things)

3) Imperial power (the wealth and raw materials received from its colonies allowed Britain to invest in innovations)