Respuesta :


give me a plate of ice

D. is the answer


I'm not clear on the answer to the question. However, I would say that it is either D. ice, or C. Fried rice. Most likely C.


I say this from the context of both the image and the question itself. We see:

  " A : Give me.... etc

    B: Ok, ... etc

    C: Fried rice "

It looks far more like rice than it does ice, bread, or noodle. Noodle can be completely ruled out, as it is not even correct grammar, and seeing as how this is either a wordplay, pattern, or English test question, then improper grammar is likely grounds for elimination. Or not.

From the perspective of a pattern I say it is C because of the presence of A and B. That's kinda flimsy logic though, so I would also say that the consistency of the image appears to be that of a plate of rice. One would say wait a moment of it was being dished from a container ion the back, which would make sense for ice, noodles, and rice. Rice and noodles are often made in bulk, and it doesn't look like ice as there isn't any pooling shown. Noodles were ruled out because I'm stingy about my grammar. That leaves rice using that logic. However, one could say ice because it is the only answer that is three characters, the same as the placeholder. However, the three dots is a common placeholder, and  therefore may have nothing to do with what the answer is. Also, one generally does not request a plate of ice, as that would be strange. Though perhaps there is some ice-plating culture somewhere, that i have offended, and for that, i apologize. Bread is also an option, but the rounding at the base of the shape isn't rouded enough to be risen and baked bread, nor is it smooth enough to be dough. Therefore. i would say C is the most likely answer.

However, as I may have entirely missed some context, I could totally be waffling, but that's my two cents anyway.