Caleb: ¡Buenas noches, fanáticos! Quiero comprar una gorra, signed by my favorite football player. La gorra cuesta veinticinco mil dólares. Antes, it was un millón de dólares. ¡Está en oferta! ¡Ja, ja, ja! I might buy it… when I’m cien mil años! Let’s see what Javi has to say about this! ¡Hasta pronto! Javi: ¿Cuál es la emergencia? I arrived as soon as I could! Caleb: ¡No hay emergencia, Javi! Pero, mira mi gorra favorita, ¡está en oferta! Javi: ¿En oferta? ¿Qué oferta? La gorra cuesta veinticinco mil dólares. Are you crazy? Caleb: Pero Javi, esa gorra antes was un millón dólares. Ahora pagas menos… Javi: Caleb, cuatro gorras de esas son cien mil dólares. Con eso yo me compro una casa. Caleb: Tienes razón, mejor con esos dólares compro setecientas gorras, ochocientos cincuenta camisas y quinientos veinticinco pantalones cortos... ochocientos cincuenta camisas... And I will be able to viajar a España para comprar todo esto. Javi: ¡Ay, Caleb, tú vives en una fantasía! ¿Cierto?

Respuesta :

Answer:Caleb: Good evening, fans!  I want to buy a cap, signed by my favorite football player.  The hat costs twenty-five thousand dollars.  Before, it was a million dollars.  It's on sale!  Hahaha!  I might buy it… when I'm a hundred thousand years old!  Let's see what Javi has to say about this!  See you soon!  Javi: What is the emergency?  I arrived as soon as I could!  Caleb: There is no emergency, Javi!  But look at my favorite hat, it's on sale!  Javier: On sale?  What offer?  The hat costs twenty-five thousand dollars.  Are you crazy?  Caleb: But Javi, that cap used to be a million dollars.  Now you pay less… Javi: Caleb, four of those hats are one hundred thousand dollars.  With that I buy a house.  Caleb: You're right, better with those dollars I buy seven hundred caps, eight hundred and fifty shirts and five hundred and twenty five shorts... eight hundred and fifty shirts... And I will be able to travel to Spain to buy all this.  Javi: Oh, Caleb, you live in a fantasy!  Certain?