
A. Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject of the sentence. Underline your answer.
These days, my friends and I 1. (discusses, discuss) our plans after junior high school. A number of them 2. (tells,
tell) me that they want to pursue STEM because of their interest in math and science. One-third of our batch 3.
(has, have) set their sights on ABM which is a business course. But neither STEM nor ABM 4. (appeal, appeals)
to me as these both involve numbers. Arts and Design 5. (is, are) one of my options since Fine Arts 6. (has,
have) always been my dream course. However, my class adviser and parents 7. (think, thinks) that I should also
consider HUMMS because of my writing abilities. Many of the students still 8. (do, does) not know what career to
pursue. This is why the school (plan, plans) to organize a career counseling session. The Philippine Guidance and
Counseling Association 9. (is, are) holding a seminar just before we move up to senior high school. Everybody 10.
(is, are) excited about what lies ahead in the future.