"The great common people of this country are slaves, and monopoly is the master ... The politicians said we suffered from overproduction. Overproduction, when 10,000 little children, so statistics tell us, starve to death every year in the United States ... We will stand by our homes and stay by our fireside by force if necessary, and we will not pay our debts to the loan-shark companies until the government pays its debts to us."—Mary Elizabeth Lease, Farmer's Alliance member, circa 1890.

Based on this quote, with which statement would Lease agree?

A. African Americans still find themselves held in bondage, despite the end of slavery, because of the nature of sharecropping.

B. Agricultural workers will not be able to regain their financial footing until the government has more control over large corporations.

C. Farmers are not allowed to sell their surplus to international markets, even though they are producing more than the country needs.

D. The government is bowing to the interests of large agricultural corporations and allowing child labor to continue unchecked.