Imagine our world 100 years from now--it is 2122 and this technology has taken off. Write the exposition of a story in which you set up how the world will look because of this technology
You must use at least 1 example of personification and 4 examples of imagery. Highlight your use of personification in blue and your imagery in green.
It must be at least 1 page type in 12 point Times New Roman font, single spaced.
Im trying to help a friend please if you see this help!!

Respuesta :


I woke up on a bright morning, my head stinging from the light shining through my window. 'Another day' I thought as I walked to the kitchen to get some food before school. My dad was reading one of the very few, if any, newspapers left on this planet, and my mom, well she was living in her virtuality. As I walked up to the fridge it asked me 'Hello Emily Warren, what would you like for breakfast?' {Personification} I didn't have much of an appetite that morning so I just asked for cereal. After that I hurried, got ready and went up to Gypsy, a teleporter-like machine.{Imagery} When I went to school, I sat in one of my blue, wobbly floating bubble desks, and started working.{Imagery} The school was a bluish blackish color, almost entirely made with virtuality. As I worked on my assignment, my teacher came up to me and told me that I was called. and to go outside. So I went outside and the light, still bright as ever, blinded me as I made my way across the school yard. The large dome covering our school grounds didn't help much, but it was the best we had. As I stood with all the other students that were called to the grounds, I noticed someone I hadn't seen before. I knew most of the people, teachers, janitors, and Artificial assistants, but I didn't know who this was. They were definitely not human, but they certainly looked like it. Before I could look more into it, our teacher called for us to gather around. ‘You student has been called here for an important ‘mission’ as i will call it’ they said, in a tone that seemed almost tired. ‘With all the technological advancements and our communities quickly growing, we created a project for all of you.’ Various whispers and murmurs floated among the students, and then he continued ‘We need you to create a study on all the advancements and changes in the past 100 hundred years, does anyone know what time periods we will vary in?’ My hand shot up ‘Years 2022 to 2122.’ ‘Correct amondo, you will gather information about how things have changed within that timespan. This will be a private project, none of your information and gatherings will be shared with others unless you wish so, any questions?’ Everyone was silent, and the teacher escorted us each back to class. After that class, we went outside, of course we were in high school, so we could wander the streets while we had our break. As I walked along the shiny black and white streets, I could see the AI’s floating in the air, assisting the people at higher reaches.{Imagery} As I walked further down the road, I could see where the newer area was. It was a large area of bright, healthy green grass, and poles reaching high into the sky and holding up large apartments and neighborhoods. The digitale water fountains flowed on the ground, and real waterfalls fell from the large floating buildings.{Imagery} As I walked through the gates, I started to wonder what life was like a hundred years ago, was everything just made of dirt and stone? I had no clue, but I was really hoping to find out. After around 30 minutes of walking around the perimeter, I finally decided to go back to class, so I started my way to a Gypsy, got in, and went back to my boring class.