Which example shows a primary source?
- Bronislaw Malinowski's field journals from his study of the indigenous tribes of
New Guinea
- an anthropology textbook describing the culture of the Mayan civilization
- a scholarly article on the effects of the 18th century agricultural revolution in
European culture
- a biography on Franz Boas and his studies on the Inuit tribes of Baffin Island

Respuesta :



The answer is " Bronislaw Malinowski's field journals from his study of the indigenous tribes of New Guinea"


Because primary sources are actual records that have survived the past, such as letters, photographs, articles of clothing, diaries, government records, autobiographies, political cartoons, and recordings of speeches.

This is compared to secondary sources, which are accounts of the past created by people writing about events sometime after they occurred. Secondary sources include things such as magazine and journal articles, textbooks, biographies, commentaries or criticisms, and encyclopedias.