I think River Elementary School needs a recycling program so that we can help keep the earth clean. Many other schools have recycling programs. The students in those schools collect used paper and empty drink containers and send them to recycling centers. Recycling centers use the old paper to make new paper. They use the old containers to make new containers and other products. We need a recycling program like this at our school. 2Students and teachers throw away a lot of used paper, and it mostly ends up in the earth. If we had a used-paper collection box in each classroom near the trash bin, students and teachers could put their used paper into the collection box instead of throwing it away. Then we could send this used paper to a recycling center. If we did this, less paper would go into the earth. 3Some people do not think that recycling paper is important. Paper falls apart easily and becomes part of the earth quickly after it is buried. For this reason, some people do not think that throwing away paper is harmful. But what they forget is that trees are used to make paper. In fact, every person uses about two trees’ worth of paper each year! Trees are so important to nature. They help keep the air clean. Plus, many animals make their homes in trees. By recycling paper instead of throwing it away, we can make the world a better place. 4Many drink containers are made of foil, metal, or plastic. These materials are harmful to the earth because they do not break apart when they are buried. If we collected empty drink containers at our school and recycled them, they wouldn't harm the earth. We can even hold contests to see which class can collect the most drink containers. That will make our recycling program fun. Some companies might even give our school money for the containers we collect. We could use this money to buy equipment or supplies. Recycling can help our school and the earth at the same time! 5 Please help to start a recycling program. To start a program, we need help from the school principal, the janitor, and our parents. Each classroom in the school needs a used-paper collection box. We can make these ourselves out of empty cardboard boxes. We can use garbage cans with clear bags to collect empty drink containers in the lunchroom. We can make posters to show people where to put the used paper and empty containers. We students care about the earth, and want to keep it clean. We need a recycling program to do this—and we all need to pitch in to start one!

Which of these arguments opposes the text's argument using a straw man fallacy? Use the table given. A) School sports programs will end if the school's money goes to a recycling program. B) Recycling is not going to keep the Earth clean because people will always have trash. C) Gillian White does not know enough about recycling programs to write anything about it. D) If we start recycling, kids will not have time to eat, and they will fail all their tests.

I think River Elementary School needs a recycling program so that we can help keep the earth clean Many other schools have recycling programs The students in th class=

Respuesta :

The arguments that oppose the text's argument using a straw man fallacy are:

  • A) School sports programs will end if the school's money goes to a recycling program. Slippery Slope
  • B) Recycling is not going to keep the Earth clean because people will always have trash. Straw Man Fallacy.
  • C) Gillian White does not know enough about recycling programs to write anything about it. Argumentum Ad Hominem
  • D) If we start recycling, kids will not have time to eat, and they will fail all their tests. Slippery Slope.

What is Straw Man Fallacy?

This is a type of fallacy where an argument is supposedly refuted but in actual fact, it was replaced by a false argument.

Hence, we can see that to oppose the arguments given in the passages, there was the use of three common fallacies which includes slippery slope, ad hominem and straw man.

Read more about straw man fallacy here:



i belive its b
