Write an essay that analyzes one work of literature that you have read from the perspective of a quotation. In your essay, interpret the quotation and explain whether it applies to a work of literature you have read. Support your opinion using literary terms and elements as well as details from the text.

Lens Quotation: "Character is what you are in the dark." -Dwight Lyman Moody
I'm writing about Lather and Nothing Else it's on edge 2020 I'm only doing five paragraphs so the first only needs about four sentences and the two-body paragraph only need six and the last only need five it need to be good i give 40 points for the best

Respuesta :


What makes a good story? Most people would say, a good story entertains, inspires, and connects the reader to the plot. For these things to be achieved an author needs to engage their reader. How? Suspense. Many authors use suspense in their stories to keep readers engaged and on the edge of their seats while incorporating their message. Different styles of suspense reveal different aspects of the story including characterization, theme, and plot development.

In the short story “Lather and Nothing Else” by Hernando Tellez, the author develops suspense by establishing a lofty view of the plot, setting time constraints on characters, and showing the character's inner conflict. These techniques keep readers interested. When introducing the first dialogue by the Captain the barber describes, “ he came in without a word.”(Tellez 2) which lacks an important description of who the “he” is and leaves it up to the reader who the person is and creates suspense by not including important info.

Additionally, by not revealing who the “he” is the author establishes a lofty viewpoint of the story and helps with the plot development over time. As the author slowly reveals the background info more suspense is added for the readers to see What makes a good story? Most people would say, a good story entertains, inspires, and connects the reader to the plot. For these things to be achieved an author needs to engage their reader. How? Suspense. Many authors use suspense in their stories to keep readers engaged and on the edge of their seats while incorporating their message. Different styles of suspense reveal different aspects of the story including characterization, theme, and plot development.

In the short story “Lather and Nothing Else” by Hernando Tellez, the author develops suspense by establishing a lofty view of the plot, setting time constraints on characters, and showing the character's inner conflict. These techniques keep readers interested. When introducing the first dialogue by the Captain the barber describes, “ he came in without a word.”(Tellez 2) which lacks an important description of who the “he” is and leaves it up to the reader who the person is and creates suspense by not including important info.  As the author slowly reveals the background info more suspense is added for the readers to see if their descriptions and the author’s descriptions match. By using this method of a lofty viewpoint Tellez allows readers to connect with the story and develop suspense over time.

Another technique Tellez uses to add suspense to his story is setting time constraints on the barber which pressures him to decide to kill the captain, if necessary. When the barber is deciding whether or not to kill the captain he realizes, “the soap is drying and he needs to hurry”(Tellez 2) which pressurizes the barber to act quickly and adds suspense to his decision. As the barber realizes he only has minutes to take a decision it creates suspense by keeping readers guessing what will happen next. This helps build the theme that you should always think before you act. As the author mentions the theme in the story he uses suspense to make sure that readers understand the theme.if their descriptions and the author’s descriptions match. By using this method of a lofty viewpoint Tellez allows readers to connect with the story and develop suspense over time.


Hope this helps