After World War II, Stalin said that the Soviet Union needed a “buffer zone” to protect it from attack. This idea resulted in the USSR expanding its control into
Northern Africa.
Western Europe.

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The charter of the United Nations states that its primary purpose is to promote

After World War II, Stalin said that the Soviet Union needed a "buffer zone" to protect it from attack. This idea resulted in the USSR expanding its control into

The United States' policy of containment after World War II was intended to prevent communism from spreading beyond

During the post-war period, the USSR was able to control Poland and Hungary by

President Truman's policy of containment was intended to

President Truman's policy of containment was intended to

stop the spread of Communism.

One cause of the Cold War was the fact that the United States and the Soviet Union were both

The Truman Doctrine and the containment policy were designed to

