
Create a diary to record the information you learn about each of the key historical figures. Include at least one paragraph-long diary entry for Lewis, Clark, Sacajawea, and York. Total of 4 journal entries.

Your diary should be authentic, as if you were a part of the journey of Lewis and Clark.

The information in your diary must be historically accurate. Please use details from the lesson rewritten in your own words.

Each diary entry must include a date and should be written in first-person perspective. Each one should be no less than 3-5 sentences.

Be creative and have fun with your diary entries!

Complete your diary entries below:





Content: 40/40 Points
● Four separate dated diary entries of one paragraph each
● Description of the journey experiences of each historical figure
● Authentic diary entries, written in first-person perspective as a person living in the early 1800s
Quality: 40 /40 Points
● High level of insight and understanding of the experiences and perspectives of each of the key individuals
● Information is historically accurate
● Support provided through examples and detailed explanations from the lesson
21st Century Presentation Skills: 20/20 points.
● The work is well organized, easy to read and comprehend. It has few spelling or grammar errors.

Respuesta :


June 1805  


Dear Diary:  

Today I realized that Everybody likes Sacagawea on the expedition. I noticed how Clark was so fond of her that he offered to educate her little boy. The soldiers look at her with admiration. Early in the moning we had an encounter with the Shoshone in western Montana she kept cool in the moment of crises and She was useful as a translator.  Time for luch some edible greens and roots in the High Plains that Sacagawea spotted.

(Captain  Lewis and  Lieutenant Clark)

Dear Diary:

Today We learned Captain  Lewis and  Lieutenant Clark are good leaders. Two weeks ago we got lost. We came to a fork in the Missouri at the Mandan´s villages that was not mentioned. We have maps of the lower Missouri but not beyond. There was doubt about which river was the Missouri. Captain  Lewis and  Lieutenant Clark had sent separate reconnaissance expeditions. They decided the south fork was the true Missouri, Every one disagreed but  we followed them anyway because they are good leaders and in the end they were right.

(York, Captain Clark´s slave)

Dear Diary:

Today we ate dog for the first time.. York, Captain Clark´s slave, ate happily while the rest of us just hardly managed to swallow it.  

Early this morning we met some tribesmen who were terrified at York´s black skin. They thought he was the devil and had come back to haunt them.
