What is NOT true about the judiciary system?
1)The impeachment process of a federal judge only comes through the president's approval.
2)The Claims Court is a part of the judiciary system.
3)The Tax Court is a part of the judiciary system.
4) The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims is a part of the judiciary system. 5)Federal judges on the Supreme Court serve for life.

Respuesta :

I believe the answer is: 1)The impeachment process of a federal judge only comes through the president's approval.

The impeachment process could come by both the house of representatives and the Senate. In order for senate to make the impeachment of the federal judge without the approval of the current president., they need 2/3 of the senate votes

The first alternative is correct (A).

The president has the constitutional power to appoint the judges of the supreme court, but not the power to open the impeachment process. This is a prerogative of Congress, specifically the Senate. It is the president of the Senate who is responsible for initiating a process of impeachment of the federal judges and after opening, a commission will make a report to be voted on by the Senate plenary. If the judgment obtains more than 2/3 of the votes, the judge is dismissed, otherwise the case is closed.