
Explain why the sum of the coefficients on the reactant side of a balanced equation does not have to equal the sum of the coefficients on the product side of the equation

Respuesta :

The requirement for a balanced equation is that the numbers of each kind of atoms in the reactants must match the number of each kind of atoms in the products.

The number of atoms in each molecule in the equation is the product of the coefficient and the subscript affixed after each element symbol in the formula to which the coefficient applies.

For example, 2 Na + Cl2 = 2 NaCl.

The coefficients on the left side total 3 but those on the right side total only 2. However, the number of atoms of each of sodium and chlorine total 2 on each side

While balancing equations, the most important condition for an equation to be balance is to ensure that the total number of atoms on the reactants and products sides of the equation are equal for each element in the equation.

We must however note that the total number of an atom on either the reactants or products side of the equation is the product of its coefficient and it's subscript.

An example of a balanced chemical equation is thus;

  • C6H12O6 + 6O2 =====> 6CO2 + 6H2O

The sum of coefficients on the reactants and products side of the balance equation above are 7 and 12 respectively.

However, the equation is balanced as the number of each atom on the reactants and products side of the equation are equal.

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