
All cells must have energy to function. Most of the energy used by the cells in your body is produced by cellular respiration. In cellular respiration, cells use ____________ to release energy stored in __________. A) oxygen, sugars B) sugars, oxygen C) protein, oxygen D) minerals, sugars

Respuesta :


A (Oxygen, Sugars)


All living organisms need energy for their life processes. This energy is obtained by the process of CELLULAR RESPIRATION. Cellular respiration is a metabolic (catabolic) process common to all living organisms. Cellular respiration is the biochemical process in which the cells of an organism obtain energy (ATP) by combining oxygen and glucose, a sugar found in the food we eat, resulting in the release of carbondioxide (CO2) and water.

Our (Human) body cells need oxygen to undergo this process of cellular respiration, although other organisms like yeast, bacteria etc. don't always need it. Food we eat are broken down into simpler organic molecules (carbohydrates) during digestion and stored as glucose (energy storage molecule). This glucose enters our cell via the blood and broken down. The energy stored in this glucose molecule is freed and used to power our movement and physiological functioning.

Aerobic (oxygen-involving) respiration involves: Glycolysis, Kreb's cycle and Oxidative phosphorylation, where a total of 36 ATP molecules are produced.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 ------> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP


