Respuesta :

Well, let's see . . .

You said that  (a) men can dig (c) holes in (b) hours.

So . . . It takes  (a) men  (b / c) hours to dig one hole.

And . . . It takes    One man  (a b / c) hours to dig one hole.

Now . . .  There are  (b) holes to be dug.

              It would take one man  (a b / c)·(b) = (a b² / c) hours to dig them all.

              But if you had 'x' men, it would only take them  (c) hours to do it.

So          c  =  (a b² / c)  /  x

           x c  =  (a b² / c)

           x     =  a b² / c²  men   . 

Now, I lost the big overview while I was doing that,
and just started following my nose through the fog.
So I have to admit that I'm not that confident in the answer.
But gosh durn it.  That's the answer I got, and I'm stickin to it.
Rrarrup !  

If it takes (a) men (b) hours to dig (c) holes. Then the number of men required to dig b holes in c hours will be b + c - a.

What are ratios and proportions?

A ratio is an ordered set of integers a and b expressed as a/b, with b never equaling 0. A proportional is a mathematical expression in which two things are equal.

If it takes (a) men (b) hours to dig (c) holes

Then the number of men are required to dig b holes in c hours will be

Let x be the number of men required. Then we have

a (men) → b (hours) → c (holes)  ...1

x (men) → c (hours) → b (holes)  ...2

Add both equations then we have

x + a (men) → b + c (hours) → b + c (holes)

Subtract a from the above equation then we have

x (men) → b + c - a (hours) → b + c - a (holes)

More about the ratio and the proportion link is given below.