Respuesta :


the cat said hi the cat said bye

the end



There once was a boy who loved pies, so his mother would bake him them every Friday. But Fridays weren't enough for him so he stole his mothers wallet every tuesday. But that didn't seem to be enough etheir so he added sundays, then wednsday  after that mondays then thursday until he ate pies everyday he didn't have breakfast, no lunch, and not even dinner! Soon he couldn't eat anything but pies. They conseumed him, made him mad! His sweet little mother was living on the streets with no food, money, not even a bed to sleep in. Meanwhile the boy had no more money etheir so he began to steal pies when he found his mother. Suddenly he relized what he had done to his family, his friends, and himself. He was a wreck, dirty, barefoot, and in ripped clothes. He goes to his mother and trys to hug her when suddenly out jumps a police man and says "You're under arrest, put your hands up!". "I don't understand" saids the mother."Miss, your son is a wanted crimanal, he's been stealing pies for 2 years!" the officer said.

The boy spent 2 years in jail. His new moto is it doesn't pay to steal or lie.