A lake may disappear for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

vegetation and sediment build up in the bottom.

an outflowing stream erodes its bed below the lake basin level.

evaporation exceeds precipitation.

precipitation exceeds evaporation.
If tectonic movement caused an uplift of the land on which a river ran, what would be the consequence of such an event?

The gradient would increase, thus increasing stream speed and erosion.

The gradient would decrease, thus increasing stream speed and erosion.

The gradient would increase, thus decreasing stream speed and erosion.

The gradient would remain the same, thus so would stream speed and erosion.
During what season would a locality in Pennsylvania experience an unbalanced budget due to excess water being brought in? Why?

Fall – Due to cooler weather and occasional rainfall

Summer – Due to an increase in evaporation since it is hot

Spring – Due to melting snow and increased rainfall

Winter – Due to an increase in snowfall
Where is a perched water table in relation to its other water table?

The perched water table is horizontal to it.

The perched water table is below it.

The perched water table is above it.

It all depends on the topography of the land.
If you were hiking and wanted to find a source of freshwater to drink, what would you look for?

An area where the ground surface dips below the water table so you could drink from an ordinary spring.

An area of impermeable rock so you can drink directly from a perched water table.

An area with lots of cracks that allows groundwater to flow to the surface so you could drink from an ordinary spring.

An area where the ground surface dips below the water table so you could drink from an artesian spring.
How could dumping pollutants, such as motor oil, in your driveway be hazardous to the neighborhood 20 miles away?

The oil could leak into your neighbors’ yards and kill the grass roots.

There is no harm in dumping toxins or pollutants in your driveway.

The oil can make its way into the watershed that many communities share.

The oil can destroy the driveway and drive down housing prices in neighboring areas.
What is the main disadvantage against relying on desalinization?

Amount of salt actually removed

Energy needed

Available space

Amount of water needed

Respuesta :

1. If my memory serves me well, the answer is: A lake may disappear for all the following reasons except vegetarian and sediment build up in the bottom. Sediment is usually is a part of Lake's bed.

3. In my opinion, i
f tectonic movement caused an uplift of the land on which a river ran, the gradient would decrease, thus increasing stream speed and erosion. It would be very high speed erosion because of the force caused by water descending.  

5. As I know, Pennsylvania is located
 in the north east and mid-atlantic parts of the US. According to its location, the answer is: Spring – Due to melting snow and increased rainfall.

6. The answer is: 
The perched water table is above it. I've attached an illustration below to make it clear. You'll get it.

8. If I was hiking and wanted to find a source of fresh water, I'd look for an area with lots of cracks that allows groundwater to flow to the surface so you could drink from an ordinary spring. It's not the easiest way, as it's hard to find, but this water will be the most safe.

13. I'm definitely sure that the most possible answer is that t
he oil can make its way into the watershed that many communities share. 

14. I think that 
the main disadvantage against relying on desalination is the amount of water needed. It takes really a lot of water so it's 100% correct.
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