
Based on what you’ve read, answer the following questions.

A fertilized female ovum is called a _____________.
When the sole of an infant’s foot is touched, the baby fans its toes. This response is known as the _____________ reflex.
Very young infants have demonstrated a preference for their mother’s _____________.
Number the following motor skills 1–4, according to the order in which they occur in infants.

_____________ Crawling
_____________ Standing alone
_____________ Sitting alone
_____________ Holding up chest
In Piaget’s model of cognitive development, a child who understands that a tall glass cylinder and short glass jar of the same volume can hold equal amounts of a liquid has mastered the concept of _____________.
A/an _____________ is a child’s one-word sentence that may mean a variety of things depending on its context.
According to Noam Chomsky, infants are born with an LAD, which stands for _____________.
In the preconventional level of moral development, avoiding _____________ and getting _____________ are explanations for moral decisions.
The _____________ stage of attachment between a child and its primary caregiver occurs when the child is about 6 or 7 months old.
Briefly describe the three major types of parenting styles.

Respuesta :

When sperm fertilizes an egg, this is called a zygote.

What is Babinski?

The Babinski reflex occurs after the sole of the foot has been firmly stroked. This reflex occur normal in children up to 2 years.

Very young infants have demonstrated a preference for their mother’s lap because they feel safe in it.

Holding up chest---Crawling---Sitting alone----Standing alone are the order of motor skills performed by infants.

According to Noam Chomsky, infants are born with an LAD, which stands for the Language Acquisition Device.

In the preconventional level of moral development, avoiding punishment and receive rewards.

The discriminate Attachment stage of attachment between a child and its primary caregiver occurs when the child is about 6 or 7 months old.

The three major types of parenting styles are authoritarian, permissive  and authoritative.

Learn more about zygote here: