Which two sentences describe the context in which Napoleon rose to power? The Directory was inefficient, unpopular, and unable to bring stability to France. The Directory was very effective, and Napoleon felt threatened by its success. Napoleon was ambitious and temporarily allied with two members of the Directory to gain power. Napoleon wasn’t allowed to become a member of the Directory because he wasn’t French. French citizens asked Napoleon to abolish the unpopular government.

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Correct answers:

The Directory was inefficient, unpopular, and unable to bring stability to France.

Napoleon was ambitious and temporarily allied with two members of the Directory to gain power.

Here's a bit more detail about Napoleon's rise to power.  The French Revolution had involved much chaos and turmoil in France, and by the time Napoleon stepped into the picture, there was a desire for law and order and stability. He brought that as a military leader who was not afraid to fire "a whiff of grapeshot" (as one historian termed it) on royalist opponents in order to control and defeat them. ("Grapeshot" was Napoleon's use of cannons like shotguns to fire shrapnel at those opposing his troops.) By the time of that event, Napoleon had already established his military reputation against the British in the Battle of Toulon.

The Directory was the 5-man committee that led France in the later stages of the Revolution.  But the Directory was ineffective and weak, and Napoleon was showing himself to be strong and effective in battles for France.  The Directory members with whom Napoleon conspired in order to come to power in France were Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyes and Pierre Roger Ducos.  But before long, Napoleon positioned himself to be solely in charge of French government.



"Napoleon was ambitious and temporarily allied with two members of the directory to gain power"

"The directory was inefficient, unpopular, and unable to bring the stability to france"

