Respuesta :

they couldn't reach an agreement on the rules of order & The Third Estate refused to abide by the voting rules of the ancient regieme.


The correct answer to the question: Why did king Louis XVI called the Estates General into session in May 1789, would be, that the government was having financial issues and so the king needed advice on the best way to proceed to correct the situation.


The Estates General, was the legislative body in France whose task basically was to give advice to the king on certain matters. This body received its name  from the way that society was divided in France into what was known as Estates. Thus, the First Estate was made up of clergy, the Second Estate of nobles and people from the high society, and the Third Estate, the biggest one, was made up of the commoners; workers, craftspeople, peasants, etc. The task of this assembly, or legislative body, was no more than to give advice to the king. The problem in 1789 arouse because of the voting system that was used, where all three Estates had 1 vote each. However, the Third Estate, representing almost the entire kingdom, believed that it should be that each Estate have a number of votes equal to the number of members. Because their desire was not accepted by the king, they formed secretly a National Assembly in June of 1789. The king tried to dissolve this National Assembly, but with little success.