In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 the Supreme Court expressly declared that under the 14th Amendment no person was denied any of his rights if the States provided separate but equal facilities. This decision has been followed in many other cases. It is notable that the Supreme Court, speaking through Chief Justice Taft, a former President of the United States, unanimously declared in 1927 in Lum v. Rice that the "separate but equal" principle is "within the discretion of the State in regulating its public schools and does not conflict with the 14th Amendment."…

- Senator Strom Thurmond, 1956 "Southern Manifesto"

Based on this passage, which court verdict was Senator Thurmond speaking against?
A) Plessy v. Ferguson
B) Dred Scott v. Sanford
C) Brown v. Board of Education
D) Regents of the University of California v. Bakke