Respuesta :

Freedom of religionHabeas corpusThe right to bail and trial by juryNo cruel and unusual punishmentRight to enter freely into private contractsRight to compensation for eminent domain

It is not difficult to see the commonalities between these two documents.

The Northwest Ordinance and Land OwnershipSurveying and division of the land

The Northwest Territory was the first part of the United States to be surveyed under the Public Land Survey System. Land was divided into townships -- measuring 6 miles square. Townships were each divided into 36 sections of a mile square (640 acres). From this point land could be subdivided into smaller lots ("half lots" (320 acres), "quarter lots" (160 acres), and "quarter-quarter lots" (40 acres) were some terms used).

unusual punishmentRight to enter freely into private contractsRight to compensation for eminent domain

It is not difficult to see the commonalities between these two documents.

The Northwest Ordinance and Land OwnershipSurveying and division of the land

The Northwest Territory was the first part of the United States to be surveyed under the Public Land Survey System. Land was divided into townships -- measuring 6 miles square. Townships were each divided into 36 sections of a mile square (640 acres). From this point land could be subdivided into smaller lots ("half lots" (320 acres), "quarter lots" (160 acres), and "quarter-quarter lots" (40 acres) were some terms used).