Q1. Multiple choice question a) The main center of the British East India company was______. i) Madras ii) Surat iii) Bombay iv) Delhi

b) In AD __________ British East India Company received exclusive rights from Queen Elizabeth to trade with India.
i) AD 1600
ii) AD 1608
iii) AD 1613
iv) AD 1614

c) The Diwani of which of these was not granted to the British by the Mughal Emperor
i) Bengal
ii) Awadh
iii) Bihar
iv) Punjab

d) The system of Subsidiary Alliance was introduced by the Governor General_________.
i) Lord Wellesley
ii) Lord Dalhousie
iii) Warren Hastings
iv) Lord Irwin

e) The Battle of Plassey was fought between-___________.
i) Mir Quasim and the British
ii) Siraj-ud-daulah and the British
iii) Shah Alam and the British
iv) Shuja –ud-daulah and the British

f) When was the battle of Plassey fought?
i) 1767
ii) 1757
iii) 1777
iv) 1781

g) In which year Maharaja Ranjit singh died?
i) 1739
ii) 1888
iii) 1839
iv) 1939

h) Name the system introduced by Lord Dalhousie?
i) Subsidiary System
ii) Direct Annexation
iii) Doctrine Of Lapse
iv) On the Pretext Of Misgovernment

i) Who were the last Europeans to come to India?
i) Portuguese
ii) British
iii) French
iv) Dutch

j) Which British officer has been compared with Akbar The Great?
i) Lord Mountbatten
ii) Lord Dalhousie
iii) William Benticks
iv) Lord Wellesely​