Respuesta :

Answer is: The mixture of sediments deposited directly by a glacier is called till.

Till is unsorted glacial sediment, showing no stratification.

There are two types of till:

1) primary deposits – made directly by glacier action.

2) secondary deposits – reworked by erosion.

There are also lodgement tills, sublimation tills, melt out tills and deformation tills.

The mixture of sediments deposited directly by a glacier is called till.

Further Explanations:

Glacial till is a type of unsorted glacial sediment that gets deposited after erosionand entrainment of the moving glaciers. The sediment gets deposited down to some distance from the ice and forms different structures namely lateral, ground moraines, terminal and medial.

The till when gets indurated by subsequent burial in solid rocks then it is termed as solid rocks or sedimentaryrocks tillite. An early evidence of one such titillate can be observed in the southern portion of the Atlantic ocean that also provides evidence of continental drift.

Two types of till are identified, namely

1. Primary deposits: These deposits are deposited directly by the glacier actions like avalanche and melting of ice  

2. Secondary deposits: These deposits are the rework of the fluvial transport and erosions

The landforms formed by these depositions are mare marked by the sedimentary depositions and are rare.

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Answer Details-

Grade: High School

Subject: Geography

Chapter: Glacial till

Keywords: Glacial till, glacial sediment, lateral, ground moraines, terminal, medial, sedimentary, rocks tillite, Atlantic ocean, Primary deposits