Chip stays up late every night surfing the web, but tells himself that he hardly ever does this. which computer addiction symptom is chip experiencing?

Respuesta :

Chip is experiencing a condition called downplaying syndrome as he attempts to downplay his excess use of the computer.

Downplaying syndrome, also called minimization, involves downplaying the importance or gravity of a situation as a way of dealing with guilt.

A common strategy is to deny even the occurrence of the event, such as by apprehended criminals. When complete denial is impossible, the person may resort to minimizing the significance of the event or even attempting to rationalize her actions.

Common examples include dismissing an insult as being merely a joke when the addressee is offended, or suggesting that misdemeanors in an organization are seldom when in fact it is rampant. Sexual abusers may blame their victims for their criminal actions to escape guilt.

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